When I first started this journey I intended to blog about my thoughts and experiences daily. If you have children you know that intentions like that are the first ones to forever remain only intentions. I will blog when my schedule and more importantly, my children permit. Since I made the committment to this 40 day journey to find my purpose in this life, I have been joined by my husband. I have been wanting to do this or something like it since we got married. David and I have a truly wonderful relationship. We don't always see eye to eye and we don't always agree but we always work it out. We compromise without having to argue first and we seem to be in tune with each other all the time. We march to the beat of the same drum. When I think about it, he's so perfect for me. We were truly made for each other. If or when he reads this post, he'll have the same song stuck in his head that I do right now, without a doubt.
I'm racking my brain trying to think of everything that I've learned or discovered in the last 6 days but I'm stuck on what we read today. This life is temporary. We are visitors here -- aliens in a foreign land. When I think about my purpose and the feeling that I am meant to accomplish something deeply meaningful in this life I start to wonder - am I really? If I feel so deeply that I am meant to do something big then why would I believe that it is something in this temporary life? Why would I want it to be here in this foreign land? Life is a test. That is why I want to accomplish something here and now! I want to make 100% on this test. I want to enter His kingdom and hear Him say those words that all His children long to hear. "Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness."
I look forward to learning many more lessons. I long to grow closer to God and closer to my husband. I pray that through this experience we will know each other even better and that we will know what it is that God wants us to accomplish as His ambassadors in this foreign land.
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